I accidentally the urinal cake!

This page is dedicated to the insanity that is my life. Like a jester on stage I swear my life is a cosmic joke but don't worry, I'm laughing too! Everything from the odd, the creepy, to the downright derping insane will be posted here.

Comics and stories about the endless joke that is me, the girl who dreams in technicolor and occasionally pixels too, are likely to wander onto this page. Welcome to my happy little world, does the noise in my head bother you? Sanity is a precious commodity and I seem to be short stocked on it...


Sunday, July 10, 2011

freewriting session #1

Freewriting is an exercise many authors use. Since I know little else that might possibly be enjoyable for readers here that isn't my comic I suppose I might as well start posting some exercises here if only so I can look back at myself and giggle at the randomness that comes from my head. These entries will remain unedited and unchanged, prepare yourself. Freewriting begins here..

A book, gift from those of wisdom. Oh, but hidden by dulls shades of dust and dinge I see words. Words brilliant like stars, reach out to grasp them. I stretch. Fingers, how they curl over the light. blackened night what he who discards them walks within. ignorance, the blissful darkness. I hear, I see, I smell, I feel, I taste, adventure, romance, lust, hope. Books containing these beams of light. radiance in brilliance. The mind growing strong under the aptitude of wisdom gained by reading. these words imparted guiding me under darkest times of hopelessness. In darkness eternal is he who cast off the wisdoms given and discard the gift of words. wisdomand knowledge are together as one. Without them joined is faulty and weak. Suffer in darkness if not you have the strength to know. Ignorance is no excuse, the pain within my breast equal to the spark words ignite. pleasure between dull covers like parchement sheets on a musty bed and the words like the arms of my lover. Hark, Hark, for he who knows not should say naught but instead consider to take a drought from the cup of knowledge that he so bought with the money his earnings he was taught to yearn for! Stay thy hand from venomed barb and listen now to gentle word, the pain inflection and razor tone giveth honey balm words can only salve. think of words, remind your specch of wht it mean. Remind thyself of what thine intentions be. Sincerity in all things and sternness where but needed. Give unto me your wisdom and allow me to shareth my cup as my mind brimeth in your genius. opulent in knowledge these wonderful pages. like whispers that time forgot. Oh, how doth I yearn to hold, a book, my one true love...

Freewriting ends here. You really don't know how hard it is NOT to hit that backspace button until you're not allowed to. It's really bloody hard..

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