I accidentally the urinal cake!

This page is dedicated to the insanity that is my life. Like a jester on stage I swear my life is a cosmic joke but don't worry, I'm laughing too! Everything from the odd, the creepy, to the downright derping insane will be posted here.

Comics and stories about the endless joke that is me, the girl who dreams in technicolor and occasionally pixels too, are likely to wander onto this page. Welcome to my happy little world, does the noise in my head bother you? Sanity is a precious commodity and I seem to be short stocked on it...


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Story of my life

I'll admit, I'm a sucker for filler and 'easter eggs'. I love to get all the little extras of anything if I can and any time a video game depicts an unreachable treasure or item chest I want to scream because there is no possible way to GET IT. I really hate it when they do that. There are so many other things that drive me nuts too though. I always like to think life is no fun if you can't laugh at yourself and everyone else as well! So what did I do? I made a filler self parody comic of course. It was only a matter of time anyways. If you expect any form of quality or sense from this comic then I advise you turn away, strap on your goggles, count to over nine thousand and squint reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally hard.. or just hit the back button, whichever you prefer.

A minor explanation for some of you who might be wondering about what this entails. Let's take a look at things fully.

Panel one, my family very often blows things out of proportion. I am usually the poor idiot who is busy on the computer doing any various things and talking to people so I post a quick brb and go see what the problem is when approached. this doesn't stop my hermit-not-hermit nature from causing mild annoyance as it means I must leave my precious computer to deal with the peanut gallery-I mean people of my family. I love them but sometimes the things they do and say make me want to facepalm.

Panel two, chaos is a given in my house. Step through the front door and BRACE YOURSELF. Fire in the kitchen? Yeah, grandma tried roasting marshmallows in a package once (in the oven no less) and it didn't go over so well. There's also times when my uncle plays war games and various FPS games like Delta Force and such with the volume on full blast; and even when he plays Boggle on the computer next to the spare I use I feel this slamming in my eardrums that can only be drown out with music. The music usually keeps me calm enough to handle any fiascoes but I have to take my noise cancelling headphones off which unfortunately means I get to HEAR the craziness as I deal with it. Removing my music makes me a very unamused person. (Yes, yes I do also wear a belt with my dresses sometimes. You can feel free to laugh at me for my wonky fashion)

Panel three, I'm apaprently so used to chaos, destruction, and disorder that leaving me home alone and in peace takes full advantage of my anxiety and I go absolutely BONKERS because there's no noise or crazy as heck shenanigans to annoy and distract me. I can't stand silence to begin with. The only time I like quiet is when I'm sleeping and even then I have a fan on constantly for sound. No noise makes or insanity actually seems to drive me insane anymore. I cannot stop but look at this conundrum of myself and laugh my heart out at me. "Really?" I ask myself, "Really you hate the chaos and insanity yet without it you go insane? You're a silly goose aren't you.."

In short, I can always spare a giggle at myself and the folks I so love as my family. If I can't laugh at myself then something is wrong with me.

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