I accidentally the urinal cake!

This page is dedicated to the insanity that is my life. Like a jester on stage I swear my life is a cosmic joke but don't worry, I'm laughing too! Everything from the odd, the creepy, to the downright derping insane will be posted here.

Comics and stories about the endless joke that is me, the girl who dreams in technicolor and occasionally pixels too, are likely to wander onto this page. Welcome to my happy little world, does the noise in my head bother you? Sanity is a precious commodity and I seem to be short stocked on it...


Friday, October 28, 2011

the fun with puns

I'm not sure how many people like the easter eggs you find in some games or how many folks go out of their way like I do to talk to everyone in a video game. I dunno, I guess I'm always that nice hero that cares about what EVERYONE in game has to say. So what do I do in Diablo2 where what they say changes an awful lot? TALK TO THEM A LOT OF COURSE! Truly, I just can't help it. I enjoy what the cast of Diablo2 has to say about every quest and every gossip snippet. When I got to the Tools of the Trade quest on my newly made necromancer however I discovered a couple gems of dialogue which I'd missed in a few previous run throughs. They made me groan but my inner delight at puns shone through and soon I was giggling like a mad woman. All characters (sadly even my necromancer) belong to Blizzard and I mean in no way to infringe upon copyright.

Friday, July 22, 2011

General Musings: Fish sticks

Everybody knows the ultimately immature joke about fish sticks. If you don't then please don't ask. Lately I find myself in the same mindset about fish sticks as chicken nuggets. That mind set is that I don't want to see or eat a fish stick or a chicken nugget for a very very LONG time. I've not been traumatized by them or anything but they just seem to have worn terribly thin. I no longer desire to sit and eat them as they do not make an enjoyable meal at this point. I'm ever so simply "burned out" on them. A Fillet o' Fish at McDonalds might invoke a far different response than a regular fish stick but I think for the moment I'll simply back away from fish sticks and move towards the other seafood items I greatly enjoy to keep my balance of healthy diet.

So far shrimp and crab meat seems the best items to add to my weekly menu to keep my diet as balanced as possible. I can also hope that my family will go fishing again soon (and that I'll get to tag along for the camping and fishing) and that when we return we shall have another fish fry. Mmmm there is nothing like fresh prepared sand bass, crappie and if we catch a few decent sized catfish all the better! I've never tasted drum before. I kinda love how my family says to cook an alligator gar, "Put the gar between two wooden shingles, cook it, throw away the gar, eat the shingles." I never fail to giggle at it but I wonder if gar is a specialty in some culture or other and if so I'd love to try it some day.

I'm not much of a sushi girl but once in a while a roll of well prepared sushi hits the spot beautifully. Honestly I have a very hard time swallowing sushi and I usually have to force myself to do so. There's just something about it my body wants to close up on and reject. Probably the fact that I KNOW what is in it and I have to mentally prepare myself to swallow it instead of gag but hey, even I'm not perfect. As long as I can keep sushi to an enjoyable treat I know I won't spit it straight out... unless of course it tastes horrible or is spicy. Come to think of it maybe I should ask my darling sweetie Amber if she'd like to go get sushi sometime. I'll have to save up a bit before we go but I know she simply loves sushi and I just plain love being around her. A good sushi lunch for two sounds fun. Maybe she knows of a good sushi bar in town where I might try a couple new kinds of rolls. That's one thing I'd love to learn how to prepare anyways. Homemade sushi just sounds like an adventure, good or bad adventure just kinda depends LOL.

So there are my thoughts of the day. Fishsticks.. I do not want them right now.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

freewriting session #1

Freewriting is an exercise many authors use. Since I know little else that might possibly be enjoyable for readers here that isn't my comic I suppose I might as well start posting some exercises here if only so I can look back at myself and giggle at the randomness that comes from my head. These entries will remain unedited and unchanged, prepare yourself. Freewriting begins here..

A book, gift from those of wisdom. Oh, but hidden by dulls shades of dust and dinge I see words. Words brilliant like stars, reach out to grasp them. I stretch. Fingers, how they curl over the light. blackened night what he who discards them walks within. ignorance, the blissful darkness. I hear, I see, I smell, I feel, I taste, adventure, romance, lust, hope. Books containing these beams of light. radiance in brilliance. The mind growing strong under the aptitude of wisdom gained by reading. these words imparted guiding me under darkest times of hopelessness. In darkness eternal is he who cast off the wisdoms given and discard the gift of words. wisdomand knowledge are together as one. Without them joined is faulty and weak. Suffer in darkness if not you have the strength to know. Ignorance is no excuse, the pain within my breast equal to the spark words ignite. pleasure between dull covers like parchement sheets on a musty bed and the words like the arms of my lover. Hark, Hark, for he who knows not should say naught but instead consider to take a drought from the cup of knowledge that he so bought with the money his earnings he was taught to yearn for! Stay thy hand from venomed barb and listen now to gentle word, the pain inflection and razor tone giveth honey balm words can only salve. think of words, remind your specch of wht it mean. Remind thyself of what thine intentions be. Sincerity in all things and sternness where but needed. Give unto me your wisdom and allow me to shareth my cup as my mind brimeth in your genius. opulent in knowledge these wonderful pages. like whispers that time forgot. Oh, how doth I yearn to hold, a book, my one true love...

Freewriting ends here. You really don't know how hard it is NOT to hit that backspace button until you're not allowed to. It's really bloody hard..

please use proper labeling..

My adopted little sister isn't always bright. In fact she's quite the opposite really. She has moments of 'special thinking' so special they sometimes make me want to run screaming into the street to play chicken with oncoming traffic. Despite how batty she can manage to drive me with these flashes in which she cause Einstein to roll in his grave I love and adore her and sometimes.. just sometimes I play along and we both wind up laughing at her expense. Unfortunately for me I suffer similarly genius moments but still nothing quite as brilliant as hers. I love her anyways that stupid silly girl who was my best friend four years before we were sisters.

Have a comic about one of her crowning dork moments.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

much ado about donuts

So I have a bad habit.. well okay fine, my AUNT has one worse but this isn't about her (not entirely anyways) so we'll start with MY bad habit. Anytime someone offers me a specific species of donut I will death glare them as if they just offered me the key to the porta-potty and said everything caught inside was for me.. There's a reason for that but I'll let this lovely little comic explain the reasons why...

What is my aunt's bad habit you might wonder? To put it frankly; unreliable dieting. A second to none bad habit of hers is also deciding that whatever she is doing I must also be involved in, this includes but is not limited to, her unreliable dieting programs that happen every five weeks or so because she's unhappy with her image. Why she cannot allow me to be content as I am I may never understand but I am beginning to suspect she self sabotages these diets and drags me along with her because she fears us succeeding but also because she conflictingly wants the best for me. I know she's not evil or horrible but she just.. doesn't seem to grasp that what she does is very unhealthy. Things like whining until I DO eat that blueberry donut and blow the entire diet to smithereens.

I guess some things just aren't ever meant to succeed but luckily this frustrating moment happened several years ago and I am now on a weight loss regimen that is healthy as well as successful so far. Funnily enough this particular incident happened a long long time ago when I didn't NEED to be dieting let alone losing weight because I was darn near anorexic without knowing it.

On a side note, I will never touch another blueberry donut as long as I live. I have gone YEARS without touching them. They are the embodiment of failure to me now and they are the BANE of my love affair with food. I absolutely, 100% DESPISE them so if you ever offer one to me you can expect me to glare daggers, spears, knives, swords and every other sharp pointy object you can imagine at you because I will be silently wishing for your face to implode for the obscenity of that evil donut..

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Story of my life

I'll admit, I'm a sucker for filler and 'easter eggs'. I love to get all the little extras of anything if I can and any time a video game depicts an unreachable treasure or item chest I want to scream because there is no possible way to GET IT. I really hate it when they do that. There are so many other things that drive me nuts too though. I always like to think life is no fun if you can't laugh at yourself and everyone else as well! So what did I do? I made a filler self parody comic of course. It was only a matter of time anyways. If you expect any form of quality or sense from this comic then I advise you turn away, strap on your goggles, count to over nine thousand and squint reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally hard.. or just hit the back button, whichever you prefer.

A minor explanation for some of you who might be wondering about what this entails. Let's take a look at things fully.

Panel one, my family very often blows things out of proportion. I am usually the poor idiot who is busy on the computer doing any various things and talking to people so I post a quick brb and go see what the problem is when approached. this doesn't stop my hermit-not-hermit nature from causing mild annoyance as it means I must leave my precious computer to deal with the peanut gallery-I mean people of my family. I love them but sometimes the things they do and say make me want to facepalm.

Panel two, chaos is a given in my house. Step through the front door and BRACE YOURSELF. Fire in the kitchen? Yeah, grandma tried roasting marshmallows in a package once (in the oven no less) and it didn't go over so well. There's also times when my uncle plays war games and various FPS games like Delta Force and such with the volume on full blast; and even when he plays Boggle on the computer next to the spare I use I feel this slamming in my eardrums that can only be drown out with music. The music usually keeps me calm enough to handle any fiascoes but I have to take my noise cancelling headphones off which unfortunately means I get to HEAR the craziness as I deal with it. Removing my music makes me a very unamused person. (Yes, yes I do also wear a belt with my dresses sometimes. You can feel free to laugh at me for my wonky fashion)

Panel three, I'm apaprently so used to chaos, destruction, and disorder that leaving me home alone and in peace takes full advantage of my anxiety and I go absolutely BONKERS because there's no noise or crazy as heck shenanigans to annoy and distract me. I can't stand silence to begin with. The only time I like quiet is when I'm sleeping and even then I have a fan on constantly for sound. No noise makes or insanity actually seems to drive me insane anymore. I cannot stop but look at this conundrum of myself and laugh my heart out at me. "Really?" I ask myself, "Really you hate the chaos and insanity yet without it you go insane? You're a silly goose aren't you.."

In short, I can always spare a giggle at myself and the folks I so love as my family. If I can't laugh at myself then something is wrong with me.